Birthday party

2022-07-14 04:47:08source:

Another year in July, another year of graduation season. We, who used to wander on campus and were young, have now stepped into the society and opened a new chapter in our lives.

This birthday party coincides with the graduation season, and it is engraved in the name of birthday to pay tribute to the beauty of struggle. Standing at the crossroads of time, we have to look back at the past and look forward to the future together.

I wish you a happy birthday to all the people in the land, and I hope you will go through a thousand sails and return as a teenager!



Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." At 5:00 pm on July 1st, with the happy birthday song, the birthday party began! The birthday party scene was carefully arranged and looked extraordinarily happy and warm, and the table was full of All kinds of snacks, cakes, drinks, customized birthday star names and Coca-Cola with "Happy Graduation", let us take a time machine back to that summer, which is extraordinarily warm. In addition, Saiying Dimai also prepared a caring for each birthday star employee. small gift.



A fun birthday party, how can we lack interesting games? Happy Monopoly, by rolling the dice, play the game according to the sieve points, and complete the corresponding tasks as required. Everyone participated enthusiastically. They discussed, encouraged and cheered on each other. The atmosphere of the scene gradually warmed up, and laughter filled the entire venue.



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